··280 words·2 mins
Here is a list of data science resources, personal blogs and technical writings that I was finding myself more or less going back to from time to time. Eventually I’ve decided that a list of them was needed.
- Personal websites & blogs
- Papers
- Notes
- Interview preparation
- Presentation skills
- Learning resources
- The Full Stack Website
- Practical Deep Learning for Coders •
- Deep Learning Fundamentals • Lightning AI
- Alexey Grigorev’s ML Zoomcamp • GitHub
- Alexey Grigorev’s MLOps Zoomcamp • GitHub
- Alexey Grigorev’s LLM Zoomcamp • GitHub
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning • Michael Nielsen
- MIT Open Learning Library
- The Alan Turing Online Learning Platform
- CS231n: Deep Learning for Computer Vision • Stanford Online
- CS224N: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning • Stanford Online
- CS25: Transformers United V4 • Spring 2024 • Stanford Online
- Probabl YouTube channel • YouTube
- Machine Learning for Beginners • A Curriculum
- Podcasts
- Others